I study how sentences are understood by first and second language speakers. What kind of mental computations are necessary? And do they vary across different languages or between different types of language learners? Together with my colleagues at the Romance Lab, we focus on Romance languages like Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian. For example, we study how adult German speakers comprehend Romance languages in real-time, and also how bilingual children acquire German together with a Romance language. To address these questions, we conduct comprehension and production experiments using behavioral, eye-tracking and neurophysiological methods.
Ph.D. Linguistics, 2014
University of Maryland
B.A. Literature and Linguistics, 2009
University of Buenos Aires
Lago, S. Stone, K., Oltrogge, E., & Veríssimo, J. (2023). Possessive processing in bilingual comprehension. Language Learning, 73(3), 904–941.
Bachelor/Lehramt seminar, Goethe University Frankfurt
Master's seminar, Goethe University Frankfurt
Master's seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt
Master's seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt
Master's seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt /
Bachelor seminar at University of Potsdam
Bachelor/Lehramt seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt
Bachelor/Lehramt seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt
Bachelor/Lehramt seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt
Bachelor/Lehramt seminar at University of Maryland
Master's seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt